How to Make Money with AI Bots in 2024? - (8 Ways)

How To Make Money with AI Bots

Did you know that according to Market Insider, the global chatbot market is anticipated to grow and reach US $9.4 billion by 2024.

In the era of artificial intelligence, AI chatbots have emerged as one of the powerful tools for automating tasks, enhancing customer experiences, and driving business growth. However, beyond their utility, AI chatbots present lucrative opportunities for individuals to make money. From chatbots that provide customer support to virtual assistants that streamline workflows, there are various ways to monetize AI bots.

So, are you ready to turn your chatbot into a money-making machine?

Look no further because we have the solution for you to make money with chatbots!

How to Make Money with AI Bots?

If you're intrigued by the world of AI or just dipping your toes into it, and you're looking to make money with the help of chatbots, we've put together a list of smart ways to use them to make money.

  1. Build AI chatbots for business
  2. Build chatbots on Open AI, Poe and monetize it
  3. Use AI chatbots for affiliate marketing
  4. Use AI chatbots for lead generation
  5. Use AI chatbots for surveys and feedback
  6. AI chatbots for customer support
  7. AI chatbots to sell products on e-commerce
  8. Become an instructor by creating a course on chatbots

8 Ways to Make Money With AI Bots

Due to the recent advancements of AI chatbots, they are becoming extremely efficient in developing better functionality. The list below shows some of the best ways to make money with an AI chatbot:

1. Build AI Chatbots for Businesses

As AI continues to gain momentum, businesses are increasingly seeking out chatbots to meet their needs. This surge in demand for chatbots has naturally led to a growing need for skilled developers in this field. If you possess the skill, knowledge, and know-how to create custom chatbots, you have a good opportunity to provide your services to businesses and companies looking to enhance their operations.

You can charge a fee to develop custom chatbots that fulfil your clients' specific requirements.


If you are a chatbot developer and have a portfolio of successful chatbot projects, this could be a highly profitable method of making money with bots.

2. Build a Chatbot on Open AI, Poe and Monetize It

With the increased Chatbot usage, there's also an opportunity to monetize it and make revenue.

To build a chatbot on platforms such as Open AI, Poe, WhatsApp, or Telegram, you need to choose a specific niche or product, such as personal shopper, skin glow, hair growth, etc. Next, you must design a conversational flow using Open AI API and develop the bot using programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, Django, or Node.js.

The next step is to train and test the model using different prompts. Now, you must market your chatbot through various channels such as social media, blogs, or any marketplace to attract potential customers.

Building a chatbot on Open AI, Poe, and other platforms helps you properly monetize your chatbot using the Monetizebot platform. Monetizebot can help you earn up to $1,000 monthly by placing relevant advertisements on your chatbots whenever a user interacts and queries for a specific product or service. With every click on the ads running on your chatbot, you can earn up to $0.50 and monitor your earnings in the dashboard.

3. Use AI Chatbots for Affiliate Marketing

Chabots can be used for affiliate marketing. When a user interacts with a chatbot and inquires about a product or where to find specific products/items, you can refer the user with an affiliate link, which redirects them to a third-party website. If the user makes a purchase, you get to earn an affiliate commission.

Here are some of the best AI affiliate marketing programs offered by various AI tools that can help you earn a commission with every purchase.

4. Use AI Chatbots for Lead Generation

Another area of making money with AI chatbots is lead generation for your or your client's businesses. The lead generation process involves attracting clients to your businesses and converting them into possible customers.

Today, with the rise in the number of businesses, lead generation has become tough, and businesses are least interested in the type of chatbot they are selling, but they can be interested if you talk about how to use a custom chatbot to generate more leads and drive sales.


Let’s say you add a chatbot to a product or service page. In this case, users are more likely to communicate, chat or share their requirements with the chatbot rather than searching for the product/services again on Google/online.

This way, you can simply capture details of your potential customers while providing them with relevant and valuable information using a chatbot.

This pretty much makes the process whole simpler.

5. Use AI Chatbots for Surveys and Feedback

Chatbots can also be used to conduct online surveys and get customer feedback.

Once a user buys a product or service, the chatbot can ask customers about their overall experience with the products/services, collect feedback, and gather valuable insights to enhance their customer experience.

This is actually beneficial for a business because it helps them understand what their customers like and make modifications to their products/services as per the feedback.

The feedback can also be used to make more data-driven decisions to enhance the business and its valuable process.


Some of the best AI chatbots for surveying and gathering feedback are:

  • Drift
  • ADA

You can easily log in from the backend, access responses, and gain insights into performance.

6. Use AI Chatbots for Customer Support

Customer support is one of the most challenging parts of any business. But with the help of chatbots, many businesses are enhancing their customer experience by solving their product or service-related queries. The chatbots can be customised to automate processes that involve performing routine tasks.

With it companies can save money on customer support costs and enhance the efficiency of their customer service operations.

But, if you are a chatbot developer with the right skills and expertise, you can build custom chatbots for companies tailored to their needs and charge a certain amount from them.


Chatbots can also assist with technical issues with your products and help customers with their queries.

Here are some popular chatbots you can integrate into your website for customer support:

  • Chatfuel
  • Gobot
  • BotPenguin

7. Use AI Chatbots for E-commerce Platforms to Sell Products

Chatbots can help you sell products or services to customers on any e-commerce platform through recommendations.

Brands like Sephora, H&M, and Louis Vuitton are already using AI-powered chatbots and selling products with a personalized experience. You can also integrate a chatbot on your e-commerce website or social media platforms to provide a unique and personalized shopping experience.

Everyone loves the personalized experience, and it can help customers find the right product they need, all information about that product and even guide the customers through the checkout process.

You can increase your sales and revenue by offering enhanced and personalized shopping experiences.

8. Become an Instructor by Creating Course on Chatbots

After you have good hands-on experience in developing, marketing & selling chatbots, and if you have the skills to teach, you can build a course. You can make good money by selling your courses online on platforms such as Udemy and Skillshare.

You can also start a YouTube channel and share your skills, knowledge, and expertise with other fellow AI enthusiasts who want to get going in AI or build a career in AI.


Once you become an authority in a specific niche, companies might approach you for AI or chatbot consulting and can pay you a good amount.


With the increasing demand for chatbots, the opportunity to make money with chatbots has also grown. Making money with AI bots is an exciting opportunity for anyone exploring it. Whether you're a developer, entrepreneur, or business owner, there are many ways to cash in on AI bots. You can tap into this growing market by offering services, selling custom bots, or integrating bots into existing businesses.

Just remember to stay informed, be creative, and always be ethical. With the right approach, AI bots can be a profitable venture for anyone looking to make money in the world of artificial intelligence.


1. How can I use AI for passive income?

You can use AI for passive income by creating and selling AI-generated artwork, developing AI-powered software or applications, building custom chatbots, or investing in AI-driven stocks. You can also offer services such as AI consulting and training and generate recurring income.

2. How can I make money with ChatGPT?

You can use ChatGPT to create multiple types of content, such as SEO-optimized blogs, product descriptions, and stock images, and sell them to clients. You can generate business ideas, design and create websites or even create e-books and sell them online.

3. How can I make money with OpenAI?

To make money with AI, chatbot developers like OpenAI can create applications to sell online. You may also create content that leverages the potential of GPT models. Therefore, it is easy to make money with AI chatbots!

Author - Aditya is the founder of He has over 10 years of experience and possesses excellent skills in the analytics space. Aditya has led the Data Program at Tesla and has worked alongside world-class marketing, sales, operations and product leaders.